Respiratory system
ScienceTalks with Dr. Hardiman - Secondary School Audience
Service Description
The aim of this initiative is to bring theory into practice. We will aim to deal with sticky topics in the Secondary School curriculum. In this workshop, we will cover The human breathing system, gas exchange at cell level and the mechanism of breathing. We will construct a respiratory system model as part of the practical session. Students can follow us as we construct the models in Real Time. How it works: A talk is given on the Human Breathing System approx 25-30 minutes. This is followed by building models approx 25 - 30 minutes. Every talk is delivered online via zoom, experiments that follow with each topic are carried out in real time and a list of materials required will be sent to the Schools before the talks! This is a unique way of allowing students to gain hands-on experience and offer them 'extra lessons' for their Junior or leaving cert Science topics.
Contact Details
+ 0833422249
Galway City, Galway, County Galway, Ireland